30 september 2009
29 september 2009
Intervju: DIFF
Först ut i höstens intervju-serie är DIFF, medlem i bl.a BSÖ crew.
Detta är en ung målare som har utvecklat en originell och egen stil,
vars tags spridit sig över hela stan.
Bloggläsare och Västeråsare som är intresserade av graffiti har inte
undgått hans tags gjorda med allt från smala silverpennor till rediga fatcaps.
Vi bestämde oss för att leta upp grabben och fråga honom varför han målar,
och vad han tycker om scenen i Västerås just nu.
021Hndstls: Presentashun. Vad skriver du?
DIFF: DIFF, varvat med en del andra tags då och då men i huvudsak DIFF.
021Hndstls: Vilka crews reppar du?
BSÖ är det jag reppar mest för och det som jag känner som ”mitt crew”.
021Hndstls: Vilka brukar du måla ihop med?
021Hndstls: Vilka brukar du måla ihop med?
DIFF: Har inga jag i regel brukar måla med, utan det
är olika vänner och bekanta varje gång känns det som,
i och med att jag för det mesta målar fames. WASE, TERO,
TOKIG och CINC är väl de som jag brukar måla med oftast, GANYA
händer det att jag målar med ibland också, och en massa annat löst folk.
Tunnlar föredrar jag att måla ensam och de flesta tags gör jag ensam också
021Hndstls: Vad fick dig att bli intresserad av graffiti?
021Hndstls: Vad fick dig att bli intresserad av graffiti?
DIFF: Alla BINO-tags man såg efter E-18 förr.. haha.
Sedan efter att ha varit på Dippy första gången var man fast.
Det som gjorde att jag själv började var när en polare i högstadiet
övertalade mig att köpa en marker, det har bara fortsatt därifrån
021Hndstls: Några speciella writers/stilar du gillar?
021Hndstls: Några speciella writers/stilar du gillar?
DIFF: Svårt att säga… Men PYROPACK har jag alltid diggat. NÄU likaså.
Gillar det mesta som är lite flummigt, men en fet wildstyle sitter inte fel heller.
Sedan gillar jag folk som kan lägga feta grejer med få färger.
Det är nice med en piece i bara krom och svart tex, det ser röjjigt ut.
Det som är mest nice av allt är nog ändå feta tags.
Det som är mest nice av allt är nog ändå feta tags.
Känns som att vem som helst kan lägga en
sjysst piece, men feta tags är svårt att göra.
Har väl inga favoriter direkt när det gäller tags
021Hndstls: Hur länge har du taggat?
021Hndstls: Hur länge har du taggat?
DIFF: Drygt 3 år
021Hndstls: Man ser en hel del av dina tags runt om i stan just nu
021Hndstls: Man ser en hel del av dina tags runt om i stan just nu
och även ett par throw-up’s lite varstans, men du lägger även pieces…
är det något speciellt du gillar att göra eller måla på?
DIFF:Jag älskar att tagga dörrar.
Sen gillar jag att stå en varm sommardag vid en
bergsvägg efter linjen nånstans och bara chilla.
Jag gillar egentligen att måla på det mesta, förutom
gammalt trä som suger upp all färg så det blir skit.
Betongen i tunnlarna som är lite bruna till färgen är riktigt nice,
pieces passar så bra där. Sen så gillar jag att tagga på fyllan, haha.
Det är väl inte så smart egentligen, men det tänker man inte på
när man väl är på väg hem från krogen aspackad med en flow
021Hndstls: Dippy revs för lite mer än ett år sedan,
021Hndstls: Dippy revs för lite mer än ett år sedan,
har det påverkat ditt målande på något sätt?
DIFF: Ja, man har fått hitta andra platser att måla i lugn och ro på.
Det har också lett till lite mer pieces ute i tunnlar osv, det känns
som jag har blivit aktivare med graffitin helt enkelt sen det revs
021Hndstls: Skulle du säga att du målat mer olagligt sen det revs,
finns det något behov av en offentligt laglig vägg i Västerås?
DIFF: Ja, det har blivit mer olagligt.. En vägg skulle behövas
021Hndstls: Gör du något annat kreativt inom
bild/formspråk eller målar du bara graffiti?
DIFF: Jag målar tavlor, ritar, fotar, filmar så ja det kan man säga
021Hndstls: Graffiti kopplas ofta samman med Hiphop-
kulturen, fyra element osv… Hur ser du på det?
DIFF: Jag gillar hiphop så jag har väl inte direkt något
emot det, det är rätt nice att chilla till någon shyst
gammal låt där dom babblar om 4 element osv.
Men det känns som att graffiti ändå är så mycket mer än hiphop.
Graffiti klarar sig utan hiphop helt enkelt, det finns ju
en jävla massa writers som lyssnar på allt annat än hiphop.
Det kanske hörde ihop mer en gång i tiden
021Hndstls: Vad tycker du om scenen i Västerås just nu?
021Hndstls: Vad tycker du om scenen i Västerås just nu?
DIFF: Den är rätt tråkig, det är inte så många
som kör och ännu färre som kör snyggt.
Men det är kul att det körs lite i alla fall oavsett skills.
Sedan målas det ju aktivt och jävligt fett i fames,
men det räknas liksom inte lika mycket tycker jag.
Var roligare för ett par år sedan när det var pieces
i varenda jävla tunnel, men jag ska väl inte klaga
heller när jag själv inte kör så speciellt mycket sånt
021Hndstls: Har du målat i några andra städer/länder?
021Hndstls: Har du målat i några andra städer/länder?
DIFF: Stockholm och Enköping har jag målat i.
Sedan har jag taggat i en massa städer överallt,
Göteborg är det längst söderut jag har kört. Sedan
har jag taggat så långt norr som Kalix, Haparanda
och så vidare. Men jag har inte kört något annat
land än, men det kommer förhoppningsvis
021Hndstls: Har du åkt fast nån gång?
021Hndstls: Har du åkt fast nån gång?
DIFF: Inte för klotter. Jag har dock åkt dit för lite andra skitgrejer,
men det har aldrig funnits bevis så det har bara blivit ett par förhör
021Hndstls: Vad motiverar dig att välja detta trots riskerna?
021Hndstls: Vad motiverar dig att välja detta trots riskerna?
DIFF: Det är kul som fan och det får mig att må bra helt enkelt.
Även om graffiti för med sig en jävla massa jobbiga saker, sura
föräldrar, arga kompisar och sånt så får det mig att må bra
021Hndstls: Hur länge kommer du att måla tror du?
021Hndstls: Hur länge kommer du att måla tror du?
DIFF: Tror inte att jag kommer springa runt och tagga när jag är 60,
men förhoppningsvis lirar man något fame om året hela livet ut.
Sen vet man ju inte hur länge man kommer leva heller
021Hndstls: Har du nån rolig händelse att berätta om?
021Hndstls: Har du nån rolig händelse att berätta om?
DIFF: Jag skulle hänga med WASE ut på en åker,
han skulle måla ett elhus därute, det slutar med att vi får springa på
en snötäckt åker i 45 minuter med byggjobbare i bilar och med fyrhjuling
som i princip omringar oss. Fattar inte hur vi lyckades ta oss ur det där,
men det slutade med att vi kom in i ett villaområde och WASE
kände nån som bodde där som vi kunde gömma oss hos.
Jag hade tappat känseln i hela fötterna, det var ett helvete
då men det är roligt när man tänker tillbaks på det.
021Hndstls: Nånting du vill säga till folket därute? Shoutoutz?
021Hndstls: Nånting du vill säga till folket därute? Shoutoutz?
DIFF: Skulle vilja ge props till alla som kör
trots att de blir hatade på hela tiden.
Det finns alltid folk som kommer leka
smartasses på internet, sådana folk ain't shit.
Props till hela BSÖ Crew och alla andra jag målar
med eller bara chillar med emellanåt.
Ingen nämnd, ingen glömd.

First writer up in this autumn's interview-series
is DIFF, member in BSÖ amongst other crews.
This is a young graffiti-writer who has developed a style
of his own, and his tags has spread across the whole city.
Blog-readers and others interested in graffiti has'nt been able to avoid
his tags made from everything from thin silver markers to proper fatcaps.
We decided to hook up with the bloke and ask him why he writes
graffiti and what he thinks of the present scene in Westaroze.
021Hndstls: Presentashun. What do you write?
DIFF: DIFF, mixed with some other tags from time to time, but mainly DIFF
021Hndstls: What crews do you represent?
BSÖ is what I rep the most and it feels like ''my'' crew
021Hndstls: Who do you usually paint with?
DIFF: I don't have any specific people I usually paint with,
but it's different freinds and folks each time it seems,
due to the reason that I mostly paint in Hall of Fames.
WASE, TERO, TOKIG and CINC are the ones I usually
is DIFF, member in BSÖ amongst other crews.
This is a young graffiti-writer who has developed a style
of his own, and his tags has spread across the whole city.
Blog-readers and others interested in graffiti has'nt been able to avoid
his tags made from everything from thin silver markers to proper fatcaps.
We decided to hook up with the bloke and ask him why he writes
graffiti and what he thinks of the present scene in Westaroze.
021Hndstls: Presentashun. What do you write?
DIFF: DIFF, mixed with some other tags from time to time, but mainly DIFF
021Hndstls: What crews do you represent?
BSÖ is what I rep the most and it feels like ''my'' crew
021Hndstls: Who do you usually paint with?
DIFF: I don't have any specific people I usually paint with,
but it's different freinds and folks each time it seems,
due to the reason that I mostly paint in Hall of Fames.
WASE, TERO, TOKIG and CINC are the ones I usually
paint with, it happens to be that I paint with GANYA
sometimes too and other schlooks.
Tunnels I prefer to paint by myself and
Tunnels I prefer to paint by myself and
most of the tags I write I do on my own too
021Hndstls: What made you interested in graffiti?
DIFF: All the BINO-tags you used to see
along the E18-highway back in the day.. haha.
After my fist visit to Dippy (the most known Hall of Fame
021Hndstls: What made you interested in graffiti?
DIFF: All the BINO-tags you used to see
along the E18-highway back in the day.. haha.
After my fist visit to Dippy (the most known Hall of Fame
in Westaroze, named after the writer Dippy who
discovered it back in the late 80's) I was hooked.
What made me start up myself was when a friend in highschool
convinced me to buy a marker, and it's just went on from there
021Hndstls: Have you got any specific writers/styles that you like?
DIFF: Hard to say.. but I've alwayz liked PYROPACK. Likewise NÄU.
I like most things that are a little muddled, but a fresh wildstyle
does'nt move me the wrong way either. Then I also like people
who can make fat shit with a few colours. It's nice with a
piece done in just chrome and black, that looks ruff.
What's nice above all is yet fat tags. Seems like anybody
can throw a nice piece but fresh tags is hard to manage.
Though I have'nt any favorites when it comes to tagging
021Hndstls: For how long have you been tagging shit up?
DIFF: Like three years
021Hndstls: Many of your tags can be seen around the city
these dayz and also a couple of throw-up's here and there,
but you do pieces too.. is there anything you
especially like to do or paint on?
DIFF: I love to tag on doors.
Then on hot summer dayz I like to stand at a mountain-
wall along the railway somewhere and just chill out.
I really like to write on most things, except old wooden textures
What made me start up myself was when a friend in highschool
convinced me to buy a marker, and it's just went on from there
021Hndstls: Have you got any specific writers/styles that you like?
DIFF: Hard to say.. but I've alwayz liked PYROPACK. Likewise NÄU.
I like most things that are a little muddled, but a fresh wildstyle
does'nt move me the wrong way either. Then I also like people
who can make fat shit with a few colours. It's nice with a
piece done in just chrome and black, that looks ruff.
What's nice above all is yet fat tags. Seems like anybody
can throw a nice piece but fresh tags is hard to manage.
Though I have'nt any favorites when it comes to tagging
021Hndstls: For how long have you been tagging shit up?
DIFF: Like three years
021Hndstls: Many of your tags can be seen around the city
these dayz and also a couple of throw-up's here and there,
but you do pieces too.. is there anything you
especially like to do or paint on?
DIFF: I love to tag on doors.
Then on hot summer dayz I like to stand at a mountain-
wall along the railway somewhere and just chill out.
I really like to write on most things, except old wooden textures
that absorbs all the paint and makes it look fucked up.
The tunnels that run in a brown'ish tone are
The tunnels that run in a brown'ish tone are
really nice, pieces fit so good there.
Then I like to tag when I'm drunk, haha.
I guess it isn't that clever really, but that don't
Then I like to tag when I'm drunk, haha.
I guess it isn't that clever really, but that don't
strike your mind when you're drunk as fuck on
your way home from the bar strapped with a flowpen
021Hndstls: The concrete walls at Dippy was teared down for
like a year ago, has that affected your writing in any way?
DIFF: Yeah, one had to find other places
where you can write that's peace and quiet.
But it's also been leading to a little more pieces
on the streets, it kinda feels like I have become more
active with my graffiti-writing since it was torn down
021Hndstls: So you have been doing more illegal painting since that?
Is there a need for a legal wall in Westaroze?
DIFF: Yeah, it's been more illegal writing.. a wall is needed
021Hndstls: Do you do other creative things in the compounds of art?
DIFF: I do paintings, draw, photograph, film.. so yeah you could say that
021Hndstls: Graffiti is often linked together with Hiphop-culture,
021Hndstls: The concrete walls at Dippy was teared down for
like a year ago, has that affected your writing in any way?
DIFF: Yeah, one had to find other places
where you can write that's peace and quiet.
But it's also been leading to a little more pieces
on the streets, it kinda feels like I have become more
active with my graffiti-writing since it was torn down
021Hndstls: So you have been doing more illegal painting since that?
Is there a need for a legal wall in Westaroze?
DIFF: Yeah, it's been more illegal writing.. a wall is needed
021Hndstls: Do you do other creative things in the compounds of art?
DIFF: I do paintings, draw, photograph, film.. so yeah you could say that
021Hndstls: Graffiti is often linked together with Hiphop-culture,
the 4 elementz and such.. What is your opinion about that?
DIFF: I like hiphop music so I guess I'm fine with that,
it's quite nice to chill to some good 'ol song where they
babble about the four elements and things like that.
But it still feels like graffiti is so much more than hiphop.
Graffiti simply manage without hiphop, there's tons of
writers that listen to anything else than rap music.
I guess it was more connected to one 'n' other back in the dayz
021Hndstls: What do you think about
DIFF: I like hiphop music so I guess I'm fine with that,
it's quite nice to chill to some good 'ol song where they
babble about the four elements and things like that.
But it still feels like graffiti is so much more than hiphop.
Graffiti simply manage without hiphop, there's tons of
writers that listen to anything else than rap music.
I guess it was more connected to one 'n' other back in the dayz
021Hndstls: What do you think about
the present graff-scene in Westaroze?
DIFF: It's quite boring, it's not that many
that write and even lesser that do it fresh.
But it's cool that it's being painted regardless of skillz.
And many are active and do mad shit in Hall of Fames,
but I feel like it does'nt count that much. It was more fun
a couple of years ago when there where pieces in every
fuckin' tunnel, but I'm not that one to complain since I
myself don't write that much at such areas
021Hndstls: Have you been writing in any other
DIFF: It's quite boring, it's not that many
that write and even lesser that do it fresh.
But it's cool that it's being painted regardless of skillz.
And many are active and do mad shit in Hall of Fames,
but I feel like it does'nt count that much. It was more fun
a couple of years ago when there where pieces in every
fuckin' tunnel, but I'm not that one to complain since I
myself don't write that much at such areas
021Hndstls: Have you been writing in any other
countries or cities besides here in Sweden?
DIFF: I've painted in Stockholm and Enköping.
And I've been tagging in a whole lot of cities,
DIFF: I've painted in Stockholm and Enköping.
And I've been tagging in a whole lot of cities,
Gothenburg is the farthest city down south that I've done.
Then I have tagged as far up north as Kalix, Haparanda
and so on. But I have'nt done it in any other
country yet, but hopefully that time will come
021Hndstls: Ever got busted?
DIFF: Not for vandalizm.
Although I've been caught for various other crappy stuff, but there
021Hndstls: Ever got busted?
DIFF: Not for vandalizm.
Although I've been caught for various other crappy stuff, but there
was never any evidence so it's just been a couple of hearings
021Hndstls: What motivates you to choose this risky bizniz?
DIFF: It's fun as hell and it simply makes me feel good.
Even if graffiti brings along alot of negative shit, like pissed-off
parents and mad friends and such it makes me feel good
021Hndstls: For how long will you be doin' graffiti?
DIFF: I don't think I'll be running around tagging when I'm 60, but hopefully
one be kickin' stuff in a Hall of Fame each year until it's time to go.
But then you never know for how long you'll live either
021Hndstls: What motivates you to choose this risky bizniz?
DIFF: It's fun as hell and it simply makes me feel good.
Even if graffiti brings along alot of negative shit, like pissed-off
parents and mad friends and such it makes me feel good
021Hndstls: For how long will you be doin' graffiti?
DIFF: I don't think I'll be running around tagging when I'm 60, but hopefully
one be kickin' stuff in a Hall of Fame each year until it's time to go.
But then you never know for how long you'll live either
021Hndstls: Got any crazy stuff to share with us?
DIFF: I was to follow WASE out into a field, he was
about to paint on a building containing electronic charges
(i don't know how the fuck to translate ''Elhus'', but i think you get it),
and it ends up with running around on a snow-covered
arable land for 45 minutes chased by construction workers in
cars and on a four-wheel motorcycle that practically surrounded us.
I don't know how we managed to get outta there, but then we
came to a residential district and WASE knew someone that lived
there at who we could hide. I had lost all sensitivity in my feet and
it was hell back then but it's amusing when you think of it now
021Hndstls: Have you got any final words to the folks out there?
DIFF: I would like to give props to everyone
DIFF: I would like to give props to everyone
that keep rockin' although they get hated on all the time.
There's alwayz gonna be people who wants to play
smartasses on the internet, that kinda people ain't shit.
Props to the whole BSÖ Crew and everybody else
i write or just hang with from time to time.
There's alwayz gonna be people who wants to play
smartasses on the internet, that kinda people ain't shit.
Props to the whole BSÖ Crew and everybody else
i write or just hang with from time to time.
None mentioned - none forgotten
28 september 2009
24 september 2009
20 september 2009
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